Monday, August 25, 2014

How Do We Help

Every few months, we offer a training called "How Do We Help". The training covers questions such as:
  • Should I give money to homeless people?
  • What's the best way to love my neighbors in need?
  • What are some of the root causes of poverty? 

In the training, we encourage participants to build a relationship with their neighbors. This is easier said than done, as we are all busy people and real relationships take time and effort!

However, I recently got an email from a How Do we Help participant named Betsey*. She told me that she's become friends with a homeless woman named Lauren* in her neighborhood. They meet every week or so for a meal and just to talk... just like "regular" friends do! Through this relationship, Betsey has been able to understand Lauren's needs in a personal way and to help her in practical ways, like helping her sign up for CalFresh so she'll have some money for food.

This type of "person to person" care is far more effective than any official social work program that KCB or any other organization could offer. If each one of us become friends, real friends, with just one neighbor in need... imagine the transformation that would come to our city!

If you're interested in having this "How Do We Help" presentation at your church or small group, please contact us! We would love to share more with you!


*Names changed

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