Monday, August 04, 2014

Dance Classes at KCB!

For the last couple of months a dedicated group of kids have been attending Kingdom Causes' First Dance Class. While there are many benefits to dance: improvement on flexibility, strength and endurance, what is more exhilarating is that dance gives them an overall sense of well-being by increasing their self-confidence, reducing stress and tension, and building teamwork. It is exciting to see them eager to learn new steps and ask for challenging moves. Not only have the kids been excited but there is a great sense of excitement and support by their parents as well, who have helped tremendously by making sure their kids are stretching and practicing their moves at home. It is compelling to teach these amazing kids and get them ready for their first performance. If you would like more information about this dance class or are interested in signing up your child, please contact April at 562-804-2189.

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