Tuesday, October 16, 2007

From building walls to building bridges

“You are the salt of the earth…You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:13,14). The first paradigm shift pertains to where we, as the church, see ourselves in relation to our communities. Will we remain outside of the community inviting people in or will we go to our
communities, seeking to be a transforming agent? The church is called to be separate in lifestyle but never called to be isolated from the people it seeks to influence.

excerpt from Eric Swanson's 10 Paradigm Shifts for Community Transformation.

As Eric wrote in an earlier post, he has been working with the "un-expected worker" to help one of our homeless neighbors. This is a great example of this principle of bridge building. Eric is building a bridge with the "worker", an unbeliever, via someone they both care deeply about, a homeless neighbor. It is exciting to see that this "worker" has been exposed to the Gospel and a representative of the church (Eric). The work of the Kingdom Causes Homeless Task Force is building bridges as a "transforming agent" not only to our homeless neighbors but also those unbelieving neighbors who think, "Something must be done."

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