Friday, September 21, 2007

A un-expected worker

I get a phone call the other day from a guy with a British accent and it goes something like this,
"Hey, i've been buying coffee and donuts for this homeless lady every morning. She is hunched over, about 60 and speaks clearly and considerately. I just keep thinking to myself that something should be done for this lady. Someone in this Country should be able to help her. I went to three different Churches and they said that they don't help homeless people. I tracked you down because I saw in the Bellflower paper that some award was given to a guy for helping homeless people. I tried to get a hold of him but couldn't. Is there anything you can do to help me?"
I was kinda shocked and blown away at this phone call. This guy who isn't even a believer calls me with a concern for someone in his community that seems to be in need. I smiled grew on my face once I began to think about the variety of people that God uses to bring about his Kingdom.
We've talked in Bible Study about the idea that no one can enter or even see the Kingdom unless they are born again. This guy is doing Kingdom work and he doesn't even realize it.
I've met with this guy and the homeless lady and we are taking steps towards bringing peace into her life. I hope and pray that God would use me to impact this guys perspective on life and why we do what we do!
I thank Calvary Baptist Church for giving this guy my number. While thier staff doesn't directly serve the Homeless population, they do a great job of listening and praying with people and then referring them to others.

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