Friday, February 09, 2007


God is good. Today is one of those days when I'm just impressed with Him. I should be impressed everyday, but I get distracted. How sad is that? He is such a good God and I still get distracted. Sometimes I forget that He's at work ALL THE TIME and it doesn't revolve around what I do. In all honesty, I have the tendency to try and make things happen in my own strength... and it doesn't work out so well. This morning we had an awesome Eucalyptus Task Force meeting. Everyone had some good words to share. It was great to sit back and see how God's casting His vision within the people and it's something that we can't take credit for. His sovereignty has been a theme for me this week. Even last weekend at the Summit, we recognized that God had put the same thing on so many different peoples' hearts. He's doing something great in Bellflower. It's being confirmed every time we meet together. This morning at our weekly neighborhood prayer, I noticed the same thing. The hopes and dreams that God has placed on several of our hearts for the Eucalyptus neighborhood, he has also placed on the hearts of people that we are just getting to know. He has his people scattered, yet strategically placed, in the various neighborhoods of Bellflower. And he's connecting us one by one. I can't even comprehend how many miracles happen everyday in our community without us knowing. We only see a little bit... and even that brings joy to my heart. I can't wait to see or hear about what He's doing next week. God is good.

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