Thursday, February 08, 2007

Homeless Summit!

On Saturday February 3rd, over 30 people representing 11 Churches and other Organizations gathered for a lunch and conversation. We asked a simple question: "What do you help people who are in Crisis"? We heard briefly from everyone what thier experiences were and what worked and what did not work. Everyone took turns briefly sharing thier experiences.

A couple key things that come out of this meeting

1) Simply, people who share similar experiences and burdens meet each other.
2) City-Wide awarness and approaches are forming as Churches and Leaders gather.
3) Awarness of and invitation to be part of the Homeless Task Force is initiated.
4) Communication in Bellflower among Churches.

I could sense that there was this realization that this big problem of "Homelessness" doesn't seem so big when people unite.

We are excited now to see what will happen at our next Homeless Task Force coming February 17th.

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