Bethany CRC conducted a congregation wide service day in Bellflower today. 150 of their members were out volunteering today picking up trash, cleaning, and serving in other ways.
A team of 8 came to the community center to help us bless our neighboring business neighbors by washing windows, pressure washing the parking lot, and weeding the flower bed in front. The place looks great!
Before we cleaned the windows, I went to the neighboring businesses to make sure it was okay with them that we do that. The new owners of Liquor Land, the tiny store on the corner, were very reluctant to let us wash their windows at first.
"What do you expect from me?"asked the owner, a middle aged man immigrant from India or Pakistan. "I do not want to pay!"
"No sir, no payment is necessary. We simply want to help." I replied. "These folks are here just because they want to serve."
"I need to talk with the property manager, is he paying them?"
"No sir, we're just helping out."
"You expect nothing?" he asked yet again incredulously.
"Nothing. We're just trying to be good neighbors that's all."
Finally assured that we weren't selling our services and a little confused about our motives, he consented to let us wash his windows.
What a great first impression for our new neighbors down the way.
Lord your kingdom come and your will be done in the life of that liquor store owner as it is in heaven.