Saturday, June 11, 2005

Homeless Task Force Gets Organized

We had a great meeting this morning with the Homelessness Task Force for the area. This ecumenical team decided to organize the task force into three areas of focus:

  1. Mobile Drop-In Center -- This committee is organizing and planning for the creation of a mobile drop in center (RV or Fifth-Wheel Trailer) that could be located at different churches or locations throughout the area. Churches could staff the center when it is at or near thier churches location. Our target start date for use of a trailer is July 12. Keep checking here for updates, or email Aaron Nevarez at for more information.
  2. Transitional Housing -- This committe is organizing and planning for the creation of a transitional housing program that would pair up churches with families who are moving from homelessness into trailer homes. Since December of 2004 three churches have helped or are currently helping individuals or families to move into trailers. If you are interested in helping with this program please contact DW Nesper at
  3. Central Database -- This emerging committee is working to create an on-line database that will help churches to serve people in chronic need by tracking relational connections, providing contact information for resources that are available, and providing access to a simple tutorial for dealing with people in need with respect and dignity. For information on this committee please email Ryan VerWys at

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