Monday, September 12, 2016

Brent Webb

Over the weekend I attended the memorial service for a long-time volunteer of KCB--Brent Webb.  Calvary Baptist's sanctuary was packed full of hundreds of people whose lives were impacted by Brent.  Pastor Ken opened up the service for people to share a memory of Brent... and after 10 people shared he had to cut it off because half the room had a story about how Brent had helped them out and prayed with them in their deepest time of need.

It got me thinking...

If Brent was so busy helping hundreds of his friends from Cider House, Celebrate Recovery, and Calvary Baptist, how did he and Michelle have time to help lead our Teen Bible Study & Dinner on Eucalyptus back in 2008?  How did he have time to help us with plumbing emergencies at Margaret's House when it first opened?  How did he have time to hang out on Saturday mornings at Homeless Breakfast & Showers for so many years?  How did he have time to work with our team as we moved a storage unit on his property to keep furniture to use when a homeless neighbor got moved into their own home?

How did he have time?

Phillip Marshall, a close friend of Brent and one of the founding members of the KCB Homeless Task Force, got up and spoke during the service.  He urged us all to take Brent's lead and pick up where he left off.  If one man can be such an encouragement to hundreds, imagine if we were all a little more intentional with our time.  Brent lived life to the fullest as an extension of God's hands and feet.  He loved like Jesus loved.  Bellflower lost one of it's most compassionate and dedicated neighbors.  Let's do our part to fill in the gaps!

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