Friday, October 03, 2014

Putting God First

I overheard April asking one of our neighbors if she could help us with the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast. She asked what time the breakfast started and April mentioned that she would need her there earlier. Our neighbor said that early was fine, that just meant she has to rise earlier to make sure she could have time with the Lord first. She said she was focused on quality time with the Lord, not quantity time. She wanted to make sure she gave Him the first of what she had and she wanted to invite Him into her day first thing.

I've been a Christian for almost 18 years of my life. When I heard her say that it really convicted me. So often there are days when I am "running late" or whatever life throws at me, and I sometimes don't stop to make sure I'm spending quality time with God. I want to make sure I'm inviting Him into my day every day. I want to invite him into my work and my relationships. I'm so grateful for people like her that God uses to remind me that He needs to be my focus. Your day is bound to be 100x better if you're inviting God into it! It doesn't guarantee that your day will be perfect, but His perfect love will be there to carry you through whatever life has to throw at you.

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