Thursday, June 20, 2013

Meet Our Interns: Michelle!

It was like a treasure hunt. An exciting, eye-opening, full-of-possibilities kind of treasure hunt. This is the best way I can think of to describe an exercise that Terri Larson had myself and other interns/community fellows participate in during training at Kingdom Causes Bellflower this past week. This particular exercise had each of us name nine of our “gifts” – three topics we are knowledgeable about (Head Treasures), three skills we have (Hand Treasures), and three issues/people groups we are passionate about (Heart Treasures). The treasure hunt came into play when we were asked to share our treasures with other interns/community fellows. It was so amazing to learn what each other was gifted in, and also to discover similar gifts in other.
                  Before I get too much further, let me introduce myself. I’m Michelle Cok, a summer intern at Kingdom Causes. A little about me – I am nineteen, and I attend California Baptist University in Riverside. I love camping and hiking, traveling, reading, being with friends and family, and doing what I can to further God’s kingdom, hence this internship! I have always been familiar with the city of Bellflower, having attended church in this city my entire life, and having gone to Valley Christian Schools my whole life.  I am passionate about this city and all the potential it has!
                  As I struggle to know what to include in this blog, I’ve decided to view it as a way for me to keep myself accountable throughout this summer. Maybe in this way, it will be a tool for me, as well as for all who read it. To that end, I’m going to describe what I hope to accomplish this summer, what my goals are, and how I hope to grow as well. I have some main projects that I’ll be working on and I’m really very excited about them.
The first project includes teaching a “MoneySmarts” financial literacy class to the men involved in Kingdom Causes Fatherhood program. The goal for this class is to help the dads feel confident in their finances and also to encourage them to get back on their feet and become successful. I’ll teach four sessions, in which I’ll be working with the men to go over banking, saving, investing, etc. My overall hope is to have the men, at the end of the class, come up with a solid plan to get themselves back on track.
My second project revolves around the “National Night Out” events.  These events are nation-wide and the goal is to encourage neighborhoods to get out of their homes, bond with one another, and feel safer in their own neighborhoods. I’m hoping to get about four of these events together, with the help of some of our community fellows.
My other projects include teaching E.S.L classes, helping with financial programs for residents at Margaret’s House, and helping with general bookkeeping here at K.C. Besides these projects, I really hope to make sure I help others discover their “treasures” and gifts and help them to foster growth within themselves. I hope you will all keep these goals in your prayers, and I will do my best to keep you all updated with what’s going on with them.J I encourage you to think about your own treasures, and maybe conduct your own treasure hunt with those you come into contact with, and see what you can all accomplish in your neighborhood and community!

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