Friday, January 04, 2008

Support Team Barcelona

The young men who are a part of EUCY (Eucalyptus Urban Council of Youth) play on a soccer team mostly made up of neighborhood kids from our street. The team was started a few months ago when a neighbor noticed a large group of talented boys playing pick-up games at the park. He found out that most of these boys were not on any official team and decided to help organize and join a league with thier team, Barcelona.

I met with the coach's wife and son this morning to hear more about their story. She shared about how she went to each of their homes to meet their families and check-out their situation before the season started. She found that many of the kids live in single-parent homes or with an aunt or a grandma, making it difficult for them to afford the equipment & uniforms and get rides to practices & games.

During the next week we will be going to several meetings with the parents and local service organizations to figure out a way to help raise money and find support for this team. We see Team Barcelona as an asset to our neighborhood as it provides a healthy alternative to gang and drug involvement and gives the boys something to take pride in.

Please pray for us as we work together to advance this cause.

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