Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Joy of Homework Club!

My name is Sarah Leck and I am one of the summer interns for Kingdom Causes. I have the opportunity to work once a week with the Homework Club for the summer. God has really been teaching me to value learning and education through these kids. The kids enjoy learning much more than I ever have. Even though some of them complain at first about doing activities, by the end they are so excited and want to keep going even after the time is over. One of these kids name is Jon. He is always reluctant at first to join in but by the end he is always saying, “Miss Sarah, I want more math problems!” This is amazing to see because I understand his reluctance. Going into my senior year of college, I am starting to lose my academic steam. Working with these kids has been a healthy reminder that God has blessed me with a great education. I should take any opportunity to learn more about the world God has created. I have been blessed by these kids and am so thankful for the opportunity to learn along with them.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Neighborhood Art Class Starting!

On Monday afternoon we had our first Kids Art class for the summer! Each week we are doing a different type of art project, so the kids in the neighborhood will experience multiple types of art. I was very excited on Monday when 11 children walked through the door to our new community center ready to make artwork! This summer the kids will work with paint, clay, oil pastels, paper mache, photography, and more! On August 21st, the kids will display their artwork alongside other local artists at the Bella Art Fest in downtown Bellflower!

Above are some pictures of the Kids visiting the Invitation Decalogue Sculpture, and working on crayon resisting projects and our "Box of Crayons" collage which represents how wonderful our world is because of all the differences we each have and all the beautiful colors we can create!

The Art class is every Monday July 12 - August 16, and the Bella Art Fest is August 21! Email me at if you would like to volunteer, or donate Art supplies!